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Internet Radio

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Здравствуйте, многоуважаемый олл! Вот захотел сделать intranet радио в своей сетке. Хотелось бы, чтобы его можно было слушать по ссылке в браузере или Real player'ом. Если кто-то знает как или может знаете где можно найти инфу, дайте пожалуйста ссылочку. Буду очень признателен
Зарание огромное спасибо!

Отправлено: 19:33, 10-08-2003


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ДА да, никогда этого не делал, но точно знаю где лежит инфа.
http://gazette.linux.ru.net один парень рассказывает как он это делал.
Или в архиве http://gazette.linux.ru.net/archive/.
Расскажиш что у тебя получилось

Отправлено: 21:06, 10-08-2003 | #2

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля.

Аватара для Guest 80 247 100


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это можно точно сделать winamp'ом + shoutcast
можно найти всё это на winamp.com ...там же и описание и пр...

Отправлено: 09:36, 11-08-2003 | #3


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2Guest 80 247 100
Спасибо за ссылку, но как я понял этот shoutcast все во лишь позволяет прослушивать и  сортировать радио станции по жанру музыки, но сервака то там нет. И хотелось бы всё таки решение под *nix.

Спасибо за ссылку на http://gazette.linux.ru.net, хотя я её уже читал и мне не совсем понравилось это решение. Хотелось бы более гибкое, и например, дополнительную возможность прямо с микрофона на радио, т.е. прямой эфир. Хотя наверено нужно для этого хорошую звуковуху, полнодуплексную.

Отправлено: 18:53, 19-08-2003 | #4


Сообщения: 327
Благодарности: 6

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streaming Ogg Vorbis/MP3 media server Icecast is an audio broadcasting system. It can stream music in both MPEG 1 Layer 3 (MP3) and Ogg Vorbis formats, supports multiple streams on a single port through the use of "mountpoints," includes web-based status and management interfaces, and has many other advanced features. . Many standard audio players can connect and listen to Icecast-hosted streams, since it's based on Nullsoft's Shoutcast protocol and HTTP.

local centralised multiuser music server Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most systems designed to play mp3s: . - Supports any type of client using standard TCP protocol - Stores information on mp3 (bitrate, duration, name, author, genre, date produced, last play date) in on-disk database. - Stores rating information supplied by the user (awful, bad, neutral, good, superb). - Has a comprehensive queuing system (track, album, random album, etc) - Random play chooses the songs that people currently on-line want to hear using their ratings of the songs. - Search facilities, status information, statistics, etc. - User management facilities, four levels of users, encrypted passwords. - Talker style communication (say, emote etc.) - Play, next, pause, stop, repeat, volume, bass, treble settings. - On-line and off-line track information editing. - Advanced filter facilities (e.g. 'john=superb', '!good', 'year>1990', 'duration

The Network Audio System (NAS). (local server) The Network Audio System was developed by NCD for playing, recording, and manipulating audio data over a network. Like the X Window System, it uses the client/server model to separate applications from the specific drivers that control audio input and output devices. . This package contains the nas daemon (au), needed for local output from nas.

The rplay network audio system server. This package contains the rplay server. The rplay server allows sounds to be played on the system. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm.

MPEG Layer III Streaming Server SLIMP3 is an audio broadcasting system. It can stream music in the MPEG Layer III format, and supports multiple playlists on a single port through source ip "players". . Many audio players can listen to SLIMP3 streams, such as XMMS or Winamp and especially the SLIMP3 hardware player available at http://www.slimp3.com/

Description: turns Apache into a streaming audio server
This module turns Apache into a streaming audio server (shoutcast/icecast
compatible). It can be enabled on a per-port or per-vhost basis, it can even
operate via SSL. Supported audio stream formats are MP3 and OGG Vorbis.

A streaming server for MP3 and OGG files GNUMP3d is a small, portable, and robust server for streaming MP3s, OGGs, and other audio files. . It presents a simple and attractive interface to web browsers, which allows you to navigate through your music collection. . Individual files may be streamed, as can whole directory trees. . Other features include the ability to see your most popular tracks, and to search your collection for songs.

Web-Based Audio Streaming Jukebox The Artekopia Netjuke is a Cross-Platform & Web-Based Audio Streaming Jukebox powered by PHP 4, an increasing choice of databases and all the MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Windows Media Audio, and other formats files that constitute your digital music collection. The Netjuke aims at enabling families and small organizations or communities to run a private "mp3.com-like" Web site to access the music they legitimately own, distribute or are granted access to. . It supports most audio players, language packs (English, French, Catalan, German, Spanish), optional file downloads, media protection schemes, multi-level security, shared and private playlists, random playlists, images, etc. Also features an unusual, easy-to-use installer module to get you started in minutes (once you have php and a db). See the feature list below and documentation to the right for more information. . See http://netjuke.sourceforge.net for more information.

прямо с микрофона на радио, т.е. прямой эфир.
Live audio streaming application LiveIce is a live streaming program that allows input either from your soundcard's line in or from mp3 files to be mixed and re-encoded and then streamed to an icecast server. This means that you can use liveice with your microphone and do live audio broadcasts, or even use a mp3 playlist and use the multi channel support to speed up, slow down, adjust volumes, and mix between the two channels, and then re-encode the data at a lower bitrate to be sent out to a icecast server.

Agatha is a Web-based MP3 playing system that allows users to stream music, create and manage play lists, and control the playing of music on the remote server (as in a appliance application). Agatha is implemented with PHP4 and Apache.

Andromeda Streaming Jukebox
Andromeda turns collections of MP3s into fully-featured streaming Web sites. Many other file formats are supported, including: WMA, OGG, MPG, AVI, and WMV. It can be used as a personal jukebox on a local network or over the Internet (bandwidth permitting). It works well with PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, and phpWebSite. Additional features include skins, custom playlists, logons/accounts, and a search tool. Andromeda is also multilingual, speaking English, German, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, and many other languages. No database is required. ASP and PHP versions are available.

Все, надоело, остальное сам поищи.

Отправлено: 22:31, 19-08-2003 | #5


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Ну ты блин даёшь!!! Ну ты гигант  Слушай, огромное тебе спасибо за помощь! Откуда столько ссылок нашёл, ты сам может что-то подобное делал? Раскажи!
И ещё раз спасибо!

Отправлено: 19:56, 24-08-2003 | #6


Сообщения: 327
Благодарности: 6

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Кроме последних двух все есть в debian unstable.
Нет, но будут вопросы, ты знаешь где их задавать

Отправлено: 01:08, 26-08-2003 | #7

Аватара для Guest


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А все таки shoutcast чем не нравится?
Там можно и сервер скачать.
Идея следующая - на линукс (фрю) ставится сервер. К серверу все слушатели подключаются винампом. Сам вещатель также к нему подключается винампом и тем же винампом крутит нужные Mp3-треки.

Отправлено: 11:32, 07-09-2003 | #8


Сообщения: 327
Благодарности: 6

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icecast2 ... since it's based on Nullsoft's Shoutcast protocol

Отправлено: 23:35, 07-09-2003 | #9

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