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Abrosov dimadr

Проверяющий: prokazzza
Предмет для изучения: Vista-x86-extreme.exe
Хотфиксы подвергшиеся проверки: 110806-v6000 925255-v2 927084 927341 927546 928188 928190 928253 928387 928631-v2 934202 934314 934327 934429 934455 934611 934633 934637 934641 934888 934907 935333 935366 935415-v2 935458 935607 935783 936054 936183 (То есть 1-я и последние 2 строчки из шапки)

Место проверки: Поиск на Microsoft.com

из 29 проверенных хотфиксов, свободно для скачки на Мелкософте 10 обновлений
+ тут есть обновление для XPSP2 IE6 (ну это уже совсем беспорядок)

927341 The Manage Discs feature in Windows Media Center stops responding after you resume a Windows Vista-based computer from sleep or hibernation.

925255 Consider the following scenario:
• You run a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)-based program on a Windows Vista-based portable computer.
• The WPF-based program runs an animation.
• You are operating the computer on battery power.

927084 Consider the following scenario: You are using an OpenCable Unidirectional Receiver (OCUR) device that is connected to a Windows Vista-based computer. You put the computer in standby or hibernate, and then you resume the computer. In this scenario, when you try to watch live TV in Windows Media Center, you receive the following error message:
Restricted Content - Display Driver
If you wait for 30 seconds after you resume the computer from standby or hibernation, and then try to watch live TV, the problem may not occur. In other cases, you may have to restart the computer to resume live TV playback. Because of this problem, scheduled recordings may not be recorded.

927546 You have a USB-based wireless connection enabled on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista. Even when there are five or more wireless network connections available, the Wireless Network Connection dialog box shows that there are a maximum of four wireless network connections available. This problem occurs only when you use a USB-based wireless network adapter.

928188 In Windows Vista, ink programs may not work correctly on a digitizer. For example, you may experience symptoms that resemble the following when you use a stylus to input ink: • When you draw but do not lift the pen, nothing appears on the screen until you lift the pen. Then, all the ink that you used to draw appears.
• When you try to draw straight lines, unexpected jagged lines appear.

These symptoms occur if the following conditions are true:
• You are using a touch screen device on a Windows Vista-based computer.
• The touch screen device is set to use a digitizer.
• The Stylus and Touch input program was written by using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Host. The input program is hosted in Windows Media Center or in Internet Explorer.
These problems do not occur if you use a mouse instead of a stylus to input ink.

928253 Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) optical drives, such as a CD or a DVD drive, may not be available after you start a Windows Vista-based computer.

928387 а вот с этим хотфиксом вообще прикол он относится к
После щелчка ссылки на веб-узле на компьютере под управлением Windows XP с пакетом обновления 2 (SP2) обозреватель Internet Explorer 6 перестает отвечать на запросы
935366 In Windows Vista, Microsoft Office Access may stop responding when you open a remote database that is already open on another Windows Vista-based computer.

934907 ご注意: このサポート技術情報 (以下 KB) は、通常、英語で提供されている文書が機械翻訳システムにより自動翻訳されたものであり、人的な確認・修正が加えられたものではありません。この翻訳版のKBは、日本語をお使いになるお客様の便宜のために提供させ て頂くものであり、マイクロソフトは、翻訳言語の品質について一切保証するものではありません。また、KB の内容誤訳によって、またはお客様による KB のご使用によって、 直接または間接的に起こりうる一切の問題について、いかなる責任も負わないものとします。)))))))))))))))))))) Лично я ниче не понял

934641 Consider the following scenario. You connect a Toshiba Device Bay optical drive to a portable Toshiba computer that is running Windows Vista. To do this, you use a hot-swap operation, or you use a warm-swap operation. In this scenario, the drive is not recognized.

934611 When you install a software that adds legacy network drivers on a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Vista may stop responding.

С уважением prokazzza

Отправлено: 20:23, 20-05-2007 | #9