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суровый 14-10-2018 20:05 2835868

а есть нормальная цветовая тема для редактора скриптов AutoIt ?
Вложений: 1
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Iska 15-10-2018 00:11 2835893


Цитата суровый
а есть нормальная цветовая тема для редактора скриптов AutoIt ? »

Что есть «нормальная» в Вашем понимании? Для кого-то другого Ваши цвета будут выглядеть точно так же вырвиглазно, как для Вас — цвета SciTE, идущие в комплекте поставки для AutoIt. Задавайте свои цвета сами.

SciTE, раздел Properties file:

Properties file

Much of SciTE's behaviour can be changed by editing the properties files.

There are four properties files used:

Local properties file called "" which may be present in the same directory as the file being edited.
Directory properties file called "" which may be present in the same or in a parent directory as the file being edited.
User properties file called "" on Windows and "" on GTK+.
Global properties file called "".

Settings in the local properties file override those in the directory properties file which overrides those in the user properties file which override those in the global properties files. Environment variables are also available as properties and these are overridden by an explicit setting in one of the properties files.

и т.д. ниже, включая раздел Defined variables in properties files:

selection.fore, selection.back, selection.alpha

Sets the colours used for displaying selected text. If one of these is not set then that attribute is not changed for the selection. The default is to show the selection by changing the background to light grey and leaving the foreground the same as when it was not selected. The translucency of the selection is set with selection.alpha with an alpha of 256 turning translucency off.

selection.additional.fore, selection.additional.back, selection.additional.alpha

Similar to selection.fore, selection.back, selection.alpha. Sets the colours used for displaying additional selections when multiple selections are enabled or a rectangular selection is made.

Нравится хардкор, хотите Deep Purple — Википедия Deep Purple? Задайте, например, в %ProgramFiles%\AutoIt3\SciTE\ значение параметра selection.fore как хекс 0D1E1A, selection.back и selection.alpha для ветви условной компиляции PLAT_WINNT в виде хекса 2B003F и 127 соответственно:


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суровый 15-10-2018 08:34 2835917


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